Singapore has earned the moniker “Tuition Nation,” a term reflecting the pervasive reliance on supplementary education services. Even Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong recently remarked on the nation’s preoccupation with tuition, labeling it a “minor national obsession.” Singaporean parents exhibit a notable willingness to invest in tuition for their children, perceiving it as pivotal to academic achievement. According to the Department of Statistics’ 2008 report on Singapore household expenditures, expenditure on both centre- and home-based private tuition surged to approximately $820 million, up from $470 million a decade earlier.

In today’s fiercely competitive society, many parents regard tuition as an indispensable tool for securing top grades in examinations and gaining an edge in the academic arena. However, Mr. Anthony Fok offers a different perspective, contending that tuition should be considered a supplementary component of a child’s education rather than an intrinsic aspect of the education system or a mandatory pathway to success. He posits that the primary role of tuition is to address gaps in knowledge, providing additional support and reinforcement to students as they navigate their academic journey.

All H1 and H2 students will be placed in the same class. This is because the topics are largely similar for both H1 and H2. The slight difference between H1 and H2 are topics such as Market Structure, Cross Elasticity of Demand, Income Elasticity of Demand, and International Trade.


The difference between H1 and H2 is largely the examination format. For H1, students need to do 2 case studies questions. For H2, students need to do 2 case studies and 3 out of 6 essay questions.

H2 students will need to attend additional payable classes in June holidays, August and September to cover the extra topics for the H2 syllabus. H1 students do not need to pay nor attend the additional classes.

In 2008, Mr. Anthony Fok garnered significant recognition when he was featured in The Sunday Times newspapers as “one of the five most sought-after tutors in Singapore.” Quoting from the article, it was noted that parents would go to great lengths to secure a spot in his class for their child. Reflecting on his acclaim, Mr. Fok remarks, “I attribute my popularity as a top Economics tutor in Singapore to more than simply imparting Economics knowledge. My approach involves instilling a genuine passion for the subject and encouraging students to transcend mere academic achievement. I strive to impart valuable life lessons and instill core values that extend beyond the confines of the classroom, shaping students into well-rounded individuals poised for success beyond graduation. To my students, I am not merely a tutor but also a friend and mentor.”

He continues, “My role extends beyond academic instruction; I aim to expedite the learning process and bridge the gap between classroom teachings and the demands of national examinations. Students seek me out because they aspire to attain their ‘A’ grades, and I am confident in my ability to help them achieve their goals through collaborative effort and dedication.”

Expressing his passion for teaching, Mr. Fok concludes, “Teaching brings me immense joy, and I consider myself fortunate to derive great satisfaction from my work. It is a privilege to play a role in shaping the futures of my students and empowering them to reach their full potential.”

At our Economics tuition center, every lesson is exclusively taught by Mr. Anthony Fok himself, ensuring the highest quality in lesson delivery. With Mr. Fok at the helm, students benefit from his expertise and undivided attention throughout each session. As a dedicated “one-man-show” tutor, Mr. Fok personally leads all lessons, delivering them live to provide students with an interactive and engaging learning experience. This commitment to individualized instruction guarantees that students receive the utmost support and guidance as they navigate the complexities of economics education.

There will be no relief teacher. The lesson will be cancelled and a replacement class will be arranged.

Due to the limited vacancies available, JCEconomics.com is unable to offer a trial lesson. However, we understand the importance of ensuring that our program is the right fit for every student. In the unlikely event that you do not benefit from the lessons, you are free to withdraw from the classes at the end of 4 lessons.

Mr. Anthony Fok’s dedication to enhancing students’ economics education extends beyond the classroom, as evidenced by his creation of an entire series of economics books tailored specifically for students preparing for the GCE ‘A’ level examination. These meticulously crafted books serve as indispensable resources, addressing specific skill sets that students may wish to improve upon in their pursuit of academic excellence.

Within this comprehensive series, students have access to a diverse range of topics, each designed to target areas of potential weakness and provide targeted support. For instance, there are specialized books focused on mastering the art of drawing diagrams—a fundamental skill in economics that often requires precision and clarity to effectively communicate economic concepts. Additionally, students can explore books dedicated to refining their ability to write evaluation points—a critical aspect of economics examinations that demands analytical depth and coherence.

Furthermore, Mr. Fok’s series includes resources dedicated to excelling in essay and case study questions, two components of the examination that carry significant weight in assessing students’ understanding and application of economic principles. These books offer strategic insights, practical tips, and model answers to help students hone their writing skills and maximize their scoring potential in these challenging question types.

While these books are invaluable tools for independent study and revision, students are not only encouraged but strongly urged to incorporate them into their learning arsenal. By leveraging the insights and strategies presented in these books, students can systematically address their weaknesses, bolster their confidence, and ultimately elevate their performance in the GCE ‘A’ level economics examination.